Sankofa LLC

The Sankofa Living Learning Community is for first year students of color who want the opportunity to engage, explore, and foster diversity, equity and inclusion in their new UNC Asheville home.

Learn more about Sankofa on the Housing website and the Multi-Cultural Affairs website.

Enroll in:

ST: Thinking from the Margins: Intro to Subaltern Studies

Thinking from the Margins aims to introduce you to subaltern studies or ways of thinking from and about those groups who have historically been marginalized, particularly the African diaspora (in the Americas and the Caribbean). How do Blacks in the Americas and the Caribbean struggle with the dominant narrative– modernity, colonialism, slavery, and discrimination– to empower themselves through inclusion, recognition, or self-determination? How do such thinkers, scholars, poets, and storytellers as W. E. Dubois, Aime Cesaire, Frantz Fanon, James Baldwin, Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, Angela Davis, among others, engage with the consequences of modernity, colonialism, slavery, and discrimination? Thinking from the Margins will provide the basis for critical discussion of these historical predicaments including race, class, gender, and sexuality.